REVIEW: Jennifer Gianni’s Fusion Pilates: Four DVD Pregnancy Series

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When you are pregnant or trying to conceive, you are excited about your (hopefully) impending baby. Often though we have a fear of gaining weight because we know it’s not common to lose all of it after birth (except for celebrities!)

Jennifer Gianni’s Fusion Pilates is a set of four DVDs for different parts of your journey from TTC to After Baby.

Fusion Pilates for Pregnancy

Triple Threat – Get in shape before your pregnancy.
Pilates for Pregnancy – Maintain strength and prepare for birth.
Post Pregnancy & C-Section Recovery – Get your pre-pregnant body back.
Exercise with Baby – Bond with your newborn and stay in shape.

I love the little saying on the cover of the DVD case:

“Become STRONG for pregnancy, PREPARE your body for labor. Bounce back QUICKLY after birth SAFE for mom & baby.”

Fusion Pilates for PregnancyThe DVDs come all together in one DVD case which is nice because often times DVD sets take up a lot of room on your shelf or don’t fit in your DVD holder.

The workouts are not too intense and have a comforting feel to them. This isn’t a drill sergeant workout, it’s a fellow mom leading you in exercises. The one for exercising with baby includes your baby in the workout which is HARDER than it sounds. Laying on your back and lifting baby up is HARD WORK. Especially with the big babies I make.

Recommended for yourself or as a gift for a special someone who is expecting.

*Disclosure: I received the product(s) mentioned above free of charge by the company or PR representative for evaluation purposes. No other compensation was provided. See my Disclosure Policy for more information. 

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