GIVEAWAY: $100 Amazon Twitter Blast Giveaway – US/CAN

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As previously mentioned, Makobi Scribe and Madame Deals have created a Twitter giveaway. One winner from US/CAN 18+ will win a $100 Amazon GC for following bloggers on twitter.

The more you follow, the more chances you have.

If you aren’t on twitter, don’t worry, there will be other giveaways coming up that have different entries. If you follow me on twitter (callista83) and you are a fellow blogger, mention me so I can follow back.

Have fun and Good Luck!

NOTE: Rafflecopter has changed for the better. You can now log in with facebook or name and email and it will remember you from blog to blog. If you have any problems with the form, leave a comment below or email callista83  AT cogeco DOT ca

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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