Votes for Thursday – 06/30

Well the hop was here but I’m having technical difficulties so I just took it out. I’ll try again next week! Sorry.

Votes for Thursday Blog Hop

*Graphic coming, the computer that has my graphics program isn’t working right now. I decided we need a blog hop for voting so here it is. This is for top sites listings and such like picket fence, top mommy blogs etc. I want this to be for those who have so little votes, they aren’t… Read More »

Blog Hopping Weekend

Comment here telling me how you follow me so I can reciprocate. Thanks! I’m the featured blog this week!

Blog Hopping!!!

Weekend Hops – Leave Your Comment Here!!

Blog Hops!

Comment here if you follow me through GFC or Facebook and I’ll follow you back. I’d love it if you follow me on twitter too but I can’t follow back yet as Twitter has stopped me from following more people till I have more followers. But I can follow you then! Tuesday:

Weekend Hops – Leave Your Comment Here!!

If you are visiting from a hop, leave a comment here with how you are following so I can return the favour. Feel free to check out the rest of my blog of course too! Also at the Crazed Fan Hop, instead of a feature blog, we are asked to spread the word on this:

Blog Hopping on Sunday

New "We Are Canadian Blog Hop" – Come Join Us!

  A special blog hop just for Canadians, only the second week! Link up and visit the two hosts and the featured blogger and then as many others as you want. Help the blog hop grow! The We Are Canadian Blog Hop *If you follow me on Google Friend Connect, Facebook and/or Twitter, let me… Read More »

Blog Hops – Finding New Blogs to Read