Votes for Thursday Blog Hop

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*Graphic coming, the computer that has my graphics program isn’t working right now.

I decided we need a blog hop for voting so here it is. This is for top sites listings and such like picket fence, top mommy blogs etc. I want this to be for those who have so little votes, they aren’t high up enough on the list to be seen much or visited. This isn’t for those of you who already have 1000 votes.

1. For Picket Fence, your blog must not be on pages 1-4 of the listings for your category.
2. For Top Mommy Blogs or Top Baby Blogs you must not be on page 1.
3. There are no rules for other voting sites yet until I see which ones are being added and if we need rules.
4. When linking up, put MAIN URL in url spot and in name spot, put blog name and where to vote for you in brackets.
5. For now, please vote for everyone, in every way you can. This will change if we get lots of participation.
6. Feel free to follow those you visit but it’s not mandatory. If you do, be sure to leave them a comment so they know where to find you to follow back.
7. Of course make sure there are buttons or links on your blog to vote for you!
8. Most importantly, link up your MAIN URL not a post, not a giveaway, not a direct vote url.

Please consider tweeting, facebook sharing, posting or otherwise sharing with other bloggers about this hop to build it up. The more people who join, the more votes you get too.

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