The Versatile Blogger Award

Mommycrat gave me The Versatile Blogger award! I recently stumbled upon Mommycrat’s blog and I guess she visited me after I left a comment! For this one I share 7 things about myself and then pass the award on. 1. My favourite animals are dogs and tigers.2. I love watching the Food Network and getting… Read More »

Premios Dardo Award

Wow! I received the Premios Dardos award from Mo at Unmainstream Mom Reads. This award acknowledges the values that every blogger shows in his or her effort to transmit cultural, ethical, literary, and personal values every day. The rules to follow are: 1) Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name… Read More »

Lemonade Award!

I received the lemonade award from After His Own Heart. It was awarded to all She Who Blogs members. The rules state to post the graphic and link back to the giver. Then you can give it to up to ten people. “Now, we are supposed to pass on the award to others who are… Read More »