The Versatile Blogger Award

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Mommycrat gave me The Versatile Blogger award! I recently stumbled upon Mommycrat’s blog and I guess she visited me after I left a comment!

For this one I share 7 things about myself and then pass the award on.

1. My favourite animals are dogs and tigers.
2. I love watching the Food Network and getting ideas for cooking.
3. I also love Star Trek. My favourites are TNG (The Next Generation) and Voyager.
4. I love reading and reviewing what I read.
5. I don’t play videogames a lot but I love my Wii.
6. I don’t take compliments very well. I usually shrug them off or dimiss them. I don’t mean to I guess I just don’t feel I deserve them usually. I’m working on it.
7. I had my wisdom teeth taken out last monday and my jaw still hurts!

Okay now to pass on the award to some blogs I enjoy and who I think deserve it:

Twelve Crafts Till Christmas -All about crafting!

TS Reviews -Reviews and Giveaways on a variety of subjects

Twee Poppets Review and Giveaway -Reviews and Giveaways and host of Tuesday Tag-Along

Thoughts on Everything and Nothing -A true mommy blog, full of beautiful photos of her darling daughter!

Trendy Treehouse -Recipes, Reviews, Photos and More!

Thrifty Canucks -A Canadian blog with reviews, giveaways and coupons!

Anyone see the pattern?

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