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Oh boy. Thursday was the WORST day ever. I was so down and depressed I didn’t think I would make it through the day. I felt SO horrible. I was finally convince to call my doctor at 3:20pm and the office was closed AND it wouldn’t be open till MONDAY!

I think now though that the problem is not medicine that doesn’t work but that I’m not taking it enough. I’ve missed so many doses. The only reason I was dressed on Thursday is because I didn’t start feeling bad till AFTER breakfast. Don’t know why.

Friday was better. I was still very depressed but I got showered and dressed on my own accord and did get outside for a bit. I ran a few errands.

Today was the BEST! My mom was at an all day thing so I went over to my parents to spend the day with my dad. We went to Colasanti’s Tropical Garden and Aviary. It was SO fun. I’ve been there many times but never with just my dad. We spent quite a few hours there. I went into the petting zoo part and got to hold some baby goats. They are just too cute. I made friends with an adult goat too. He/she just loved me, especially while I held food LOL. I got to feed and pet llamas too. I watched an emu from afar because he likes to peck everyone. There was an ostrich there too but he was in the barn. I got to pet and feed deer too. SO cute!

We ate dinner there, had yummy french fries and yummy gravy. YUM! We looked at all the animals and he didn’t rush me along. I got to see all the animals for a pretty long time. We talked to a couple of birds too LOL.

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