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Sorry it took me so long to post. Been really busy. Valentine’s Day went well. Went for an hour stroll with my brother down to the river side and watched and took pictures of the Canadian Geese and ducks. The 15th we went to my parents house to hang out and have dinner. We played some games and watched Shrek which was on TV.

The 16th was my best friend Chrissy’s birthday so I went over her house and stayed the night. We went to the park for a bit, ate pizza and chips and had a great time. The 17th I was out in the evening with my Sparks (part of Girl Guides, I’m the leader.) It wasn’t too bad. The 18th I stayed home and cleaned the house, worked on setting a morning and evening routine and just relaxed.

Now we are at today. Today Tony and I cleaned the livingroom and we each cleaned our bedrooms too. The floor is so pretty! LOL. I went to a meeting tonight and that was pretty fun. I spent some time on the internet too.

As for emotions, I am doing the same as before. Upset, having bad feelings but luckily not acting on them. Currently reading New Hope for People With Borderline Personality Disorder by Neil R. Bockian Ph.D. with Valerie Porr, M.A, and Nora Elizabeth Villagran, M.A. It’s a pretty good book so far.

That’s it for tonight.

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