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My neighbour’s dog got out of the yard July 1st and was hit by a car. He didn’t make it. Stoshco was a great dog, a lab puppy, not even a year old. We were very upset when we heard the news. Although he was our neighbour’s dog, we often slipped him some food, water, treats and toys as they didn’t take great care of him. I love that dog. But know he won’t have a chance to grow up and be an adult dog. It’s not fair.

My dad’s friend has been sick for some time. We recently found out he has Lung Cancer. It is quite severe. We don’t know how long he will live, he could die tomorrow or not for another couple years.

I missed my appt. with my psychiatrist in June and am running out of meds. I am too nervous and screwed up to make another appt. or even call my regular doctor for more meds. So I’m running out of them. That is not good.

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