The Life of a Blogger #1–Callista’s Ramblings

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The Life of a BloggerLogo created from image by Flickr User NotionsCapital

Introducing a new feature, inspired by the Scene of the Blog feature that ran on Kittling: Books for four years for book bloggers.

Have you ever wanted to know what life is like for your favourite blogs? Now might be your chance to find out! I will be sharing a little of what life is like for fellow bloggers. If there is enough interest, it may well be a weekly thing. To learn more or if you want to be featured in a future post, fill this out.

Callista’s Ramblings is run by Kathleen. You can read more about Kathleen on her about page or at

Behind the Scenes of Callista’s Ramblings

Who am I really? You’ve seen my face on all my social media accounts and around my blogs and you’ve heard my “voice” on here, but what is life like for me REALLY?

First, a peek at my work desk (WARNING: Lots of clutter!)


No matter how hard I try to keep my work area clean, it NEVER works. Why? Mostly because I have three kids who seem to think they can put their stuff on my desk wherever they want. However I can’t blame it all on them. I have a bad habit of not putting my stuff away properly.

So how do I manage to run this blog (not to mention my other 4-6) with that mess? I am still in the process of getting organized but my blogging binder has been a big help and I’ve been working on decluttering and organizing my desk drawers and other parts of my home so I can get myself in order. See that Iced Cappuchino from Tim Hortons there? That’s a must. It helps me focus. Other bloggers drink coffee, Iced Capps are my drink of choice. Otherwise it’s water.

Name 5 Things We Probably Don’t Know About You From Reading Your Blog:

  1. I am FAST at many things. I walk fast, I talk fast, I eat fast, I read fast, I dress fast. People are always telling me to slow down when I talk or walk.
  2. I have trouble making decisions. This is one thing I am NOT fast at. My brain hurts and I have trouble deciding. I think I’ve always had this problem.
  3. I struggle with my Mental Health. I haven’t talked about this too much on here, but not because I am hiding it. I had a mental health blog at one time but it didn’t work out and I just haven’t found myself writing about personal issues too much. I have Bipolar II. Okay technically that’s on my about page but I haven’t really posted about it.
  4. I am in LOVE with Social Media and blogging. If owning 7 domains and having multiple accounts on each social media platform isn’t evidence of that, I don’t know what is.
  5. Even though my house is always cluttered, I do love to be organized. I’m just constantly in a state of organizing, instead of ever being organized. When I was a kid I had my own “business” called K.O.O.O. (Kathleen’s Organized Organization of Organizing) where I charged 25 cents and hour to organize my friends and families stuff.

Name 3 Things You Do When You Are Not Blogging:

(and thinking of blogging, planning blogging and talking about blogging do not count!)

  1. I read. I would read more if my son would let me. I LOVE reading. I’d much rather read than watch TV.
  2. Go to playgroup. Here in Canada we have what we call playgroups. It’s a drop in center where parents go with their children ages 6 and under and the parents stay. There are tons of toys, circle time and a provided snack. All free. Parents play with their kids, get support from other parents and the staff and make their own friends. I LOVE playgroup.
  3. Run Brownies and Girl Guides. I’ve mentioned before that I’m a leader so I’m always planning the next meeting.

Funny or Shocking Story in One Paragraph Or Less… Go!

I was run over by a school bus when I was five years old. Bus thought I wasn’t coming, I ran to catch it, slipped on ice, slid under and bus rolled over by abdomen, crushing my spleen and breaking my hip. Lucky to be alive.

Remember – fill this out to be featured in the future!

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