Giving Back! A Christmas for Kids Giveaway – WW – till Dec 15

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I’m a participating blogger in this giveaway over at One Busy Moma. Enter to win $125 via paypal! at

So what’s this all about?

“Every year for the last 3 years I have adopted a family in need on this blog to help for Christmas. We have done really well in the past in raising money for these families. This year we thought we would add something else to the mix to help spread the word about what we are doing!

One Busy Moma & Miki’s Hope teamed up with 27 other blogs to help raise the remainder of the money we need to send to this family. Each blog paid a $10 sign up fee and the money got split – $6 went to the donations for the family we adopted and $4 towards a cash prize for all of you. We ended up in total with a cash prize of $116 and then Miki’s Hope pitched in an extra $9 to make the cash prize an even $125. We also ended up with a total of $440 to be donated to the family – but One Busy Moma has pitched in $25 more to make it $465. So we were only $35 away from reaching the total goal of $500.”


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