REVIEW: Lice Shield Hair Products

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Raise your hand if your child has ever had lice.

Now instead of waiting and dreading when your child will be sent home with them, you can take action to prevent head lice.

Lice Shield comes in a shampoo/conditioner and a shield spray made with Citronella to repel head lice.

You can buy it in Canada at Walmart, Loblaws and Zellers and Shoppers Drug Mart. It’s also available in the US, see the website for locations.

The shampoo smells strongly of citronella but after your hair is dry, you no longer can smell it so you won’t be a walking citronella candle. The shield spray can be used on towel dried hair, dry hair or even hats, scarves or helmets. I will be using this on our toques in the winter for sure. The smell does seem to stay in your hair when you use the spray but wasn’t too overwhelming if not used too much and hey, if it repels lice, it’s worth it right?

My kids do not like the smell but maybe they just need to get used to it. I don’t mind the smell of Citronella.

I like the idea of stopping lice BEFORE it gets into our house. Please note the products are for PREVENTION and will do nothing to get rid of an infestation. However it is recommended that you keep using it even while treating for lice.

*Disclosure: I received the product(s) mentioned above free of charge by the company or PR representative for evaluation purposes. No other compensation was provided. See my Disclosure Policy for more information. 

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