I am Woman, Hear me Roar!

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I am a member of 4 women blogger groups that I wanted to mention. They have similar names but are quite different kinds of groups.

(in order of how long I’ve been a member)

She Who Blogs
She Who Blogs just celebrated it’s 3rd anniversary. It’s a medium sized group run by Frances at BlogJem. We converse via Yahoo Groups and contribute posts to the She Who Blogs blog. It’s a good group if you want to make new blogging friends but don’t have time for tons and tons of emails or specific rules.

She Blogs
She Blogs is a group and forum for women bloggers which connects us with PR and companies as well. There are posts about blogging and topics of interest to women. Sometimes there are offers for blog campaigns. There is a new forum called She Blogs Blogger Network for connecting with other members. It’s a good group if you mostly want to connect with PR and get news for women bloggers and only want to socialize when you feel like it.

Lady Blogger’s Society
Lady Blogger’s Society is a larger group. I don’t know how many members there are but there must be hundreds. There are daily posts on the blog and if members comment on each one from Monday -Thursday they have a chance to be the featured blogger on Friday. The weekend is the Lady Bloggers Social Tea Party where you link up your blog and visit others. The daily posts are guest posts from members and are usually about blogging. They are very helpful. It’s a good group if you are interested in learning more about blogging and want a chance to meet new friends without having daily emails.

I just joined Lady Blogs which is quite different from the rest. It’s online marketing coaching for lady bloggers. You have to put a small widget on your blog and then there is a forum where you read information and then do exercises. I just started and haven’t done any exercises yet but they look good. It would be a good group if you are looking for marketing help and not socialization.

As you can see, it’s worthwhile to belong to all of them because they are all different!

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