GIVEAWAY: Smelly Washer

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A few days ago I posted my review of Smelly Washer, a product for cleaning your washing machine or your smelly towels.

I have one bottle to give away to one US/Canada Winner.

Mandatory Entry:

What do you think of the product name? “Smelly Washer”?

Extra Entries: (optional)

  1. Leave a meaningful comment on my Smelly Washer review.(you don’t need to fill out form for this one, I’ll add in your extra entries for you.)
  2. Follow me on Google Friend Connect and tell me (or already follow me.)
  3. Follow me on twitter (@callista83) and tell me.
  4. Add my giveaway to your post or sidebar and leave link.
  5. Tweet about my giveaway (once.) and leave me a link to your tweet
    “Win one bottle of Smelly Washer from @callista83 – US/Canada open till May 17.”

To enter you must fill out the form below. You must fill out the form for EACH entry for it to count. 


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