Relish! Review and Giveaway

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“Meal planning just got a million percent easier. And cheaper.

Relish! is a new meal-planning service for busy parents. This mom-run website helps you plan meals, prepare grocery lists every week.

You pick from a bunch of recipes and then a grocery list is automatically created. Print the lists and go to the store for five days worth of home cooked meals. All meals take no longer than 30 minutes to prepare.

You can choose from freezer meals, vegetarian menus, super-quick and slow cooker recipes. There are also special kid-approve recipes that don’t include hot dogs or chicken nuggets.

Subscriptions are $7 a month and you end up with five complete dinners for a family of four running you less than $95.

Other features include an iphone app and special meals for parties or holidays. The recipes are set at 4 people but can be scaled for 2, 4, 6 or 8. You can see what the menu planning looks like or the grocery list.

ADDED Feb. 22: I forgot to mention that I tried it for a month and it seems really easy to use. I’m just not a person to follow recipes each meal I make. Even when I try something new I alter the recipe, sometimes a lot. It’s not for me but someone who loves planning meals and wants to try new recipes would love this.

If you sign up and get a subscription on your own, please consider putting my name as a referrer: Kathleen Garber

GIVEAWAY (please read carefully) – GIVEAWAY CLOSED

Relish! has offered a free 1-year subscription ($58.80) to one lucky reader. If you like to try new recipes and plan your meals or would like to, you might want to take advantage of this offer.

To enter please enter your information into the google form. Your information will only be saved until a winner is picked. Email addresses and names will not be kept or used otherwise. You MUST complete the form once for EACH entry. So if you do all five entries, you have submitted the form five times.

MANDATORY ENTRY: Answer the questions:

1. Do you plan your meals or would you like to start? Why or why not?

BONUS ENTRIES (optional)

2. Become a follower of this blog using google friend connect (see sidebar) and tell me in the form. +1
3. Follow me on twitter. @callista83 and tell me your twitter ID in the form +1
4. Tweet the following and leave PERMALINK (direct link) in the form +1

Relish! Giveaway @callista83 Year’s Subscription – Meal Planning and Automatic Grocery Lists

5.Visit the Relish! FAQ and tell me one thing you learned about the program +1 (in the google form, NOT the comments)

That’s a possible total of 5 entries. Giveaway open Worldwide until March 1, 2010


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