GIVEAWAY: Pillsbury DoughBoy Doll – Don’t forget to vote!

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I posted about the Pillsbury Baking Challenge in October. It’s voting time, have you voted yet? You have until Dec. 31 to cast your vote.

To check out the recipes and vote, go to the Pillsbury Baking Challenge Website.

In honour of the challenge, I have the Pillsbury Doughboy doll pictured at left to giveaway to one lucky reader. (Just the doll, not the bag)

You do not need to have submitted a recipe to enter but I do ask that you please go and vote for at least one recipe. It’s totally up to you which one you vote for and of course I’ll be going on your word that you did vote but please, be honest.

This contest is open to residents of Canada or the U.S.A. (sorry international readers) and is open to entries until Dec. 19/09.

To enter, go to and find one recipe that looks good and vote for it. Then come back here and leave a comment with your email address (e.g. myname AT myprovider DOT com)

Want extra entries? (NOTE: you MUST vote for someone first or these other entries don’t count)

1. Follow this blog with Google Friend Connect and leave another comment stating such. (if you already follow, just leave a comment)
2. Follow me on twitter (@callista83) and leave another comment with your twitter id. (Again, current followers, leave a comment too)
3. Whether you follow me on twitter or not, post the following message to your account and leave a comment with a LINK to that tweet. (only the first time will count):

“Enter to win Pillsbury Doughboy doll @callista83. Open US/Canada till Dec. 19/09”


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