GIVEAWAY: Stiletto Woman Magazine

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This contest is open worldwide.

Did you see my review of Stiletto Woman Magazine?

Read Carefully:
I have an e-version of the magazine to giveaway. You must understand that it is for personal use only, and not to be shared, exchanged, posted, or otherwise distributed. By commenting on this post to win, you agree to abide by those conditions.

Here are the ways you can win:

1. Comment here that you’d like to win. Make sure you leave an email address or that it’s in your blogger profile or EASY to find on your blog/site. [one entry]

2. Visit and tell me the name of one person featured on the cover of the current edition of the magazine. [one entry]

3. Follow me on twitter and comment that you did (or are) and your twitter id [one entry]

4. Tweet about my contest and include @callista83 in the tweet [one entry] or both @callista83 and @stilettowoman for [two entries]

5. Follow my blog publicly (or already be following my blog) and comment with your name/id that you follow as (so I can confirm) [one entry]

If you do ALL of these you will have up to 6 entries. Good luck!

Contest is open until Monday, August 10 11:59 PM EST

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