REVIEW: Always Infinity has come to Canada

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Men may want to skip this post. Also anyone uncomfortable talking or reading about private issues.

If you’re a reader from the US, you may already be familiar with Always Infinity, a relatively new feminine hygiene product. Well Always Infinity has finally come to Canada. I got to try it out before hand, while they were deciding whether to bring it to Canada. Below are my thoughts:

“I loved the Always Infinity. I love the way it’s designed, with those cuts in them that allow them to contour to your body better.With the other always pads, when you first put them on it feels like you have a diaper on or a huge roll of paper towel between your legs. It makes you walk like a penguin. This one didn’t, at ALL. The sample was heavy flow but was skinnier than the other heavy flows from Always. But they still held a lot. I didn’t have ANY problem with odor and I loved how the bottom was wider than the top which makes more sense. I always thought pads should have a top and a bottom. It was very comfortable and I was sad when the box was empty.”

The picture below shows the specific features of the Infinity.

Always Canada – Infinity

And check back Aug 1/09 for free samples or coupons

In the meantime, I will be having a giveaway, so come back tomorrow

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