Celebrating Volunteers!

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Today is Volunteer Recognition Day and it’s also National Volunteer Week so I thought I’d interview a volunteer!

If you volunteer in any way and would like to be featured here this week, send me a quick email (callista83 AT cogeco DOT ca). I’ll post your answers and a link to any website or blog you may have. You must contact me this week though!

I’m interviewing Guider Barb from Guides 44 in Community #1 Girl Guides in Canada. C (Callista) and GB (Guider Barb)

C: When did you first become a volunteer? What sorts of volunteer job(s) have you done?

GB: In 1990 I became involved with Girl Guides of Canada as a group leader.

C: What made you volunteer?

GB: They asked and I needed something to do. Wanted to experience new things.

C: What do you do in your volunteer job?

GB: A lot of things. Plan, prepare and implement program for the girls. Take care of finances for the unit. Prepare paperwork. Lead our team of leaders. I’ve since becomes more involved in Guiding. I have run more than one group of girls. I became a trainer to teach new leaders. I am an assessor for Girl Guides for paperwork. I have been an administrator within Guiding where I’ve managed other leaders within a specific area. My newest position is leading a group of girls through correspondence.

C: What’s the best part about being a volunteer?

GB: Making a difference in the life of a girl. When a girl learns a new skill. When a girl feels pride in her accomplishments. Also the growth I’ve experienced personally.

C: If your volunteer job were a paid job, how much do you estimate you’d make in a year? Considering how much work you put into it.

GB: I couldn’t give a number but it would be a lot considering all the work I do. I consider Guiding a full time job.

C: What advice would you give to someone who wanted to volunteer but wasn’t sure where to start?

GB: Start where there is a need. Look for something you think may appeal. I had no idea what was really involved when I started but I’ve loved every minute.

C: Is there anything else you would like to add?

GB: Volunteering is a very good way to get out there and be involved. It’s rewarding and a great way to grow and learn new things. It’s also a great way to make new friends and be social. Try it.


If you live outside Canada or the US, just do a google search for ‘volunteer (country)’

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