Blog Improvement Project Weeks 2 and 3

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Note: If you read my BIP Week 2 and 3 post on my book blog, this is almost identical. Sorry.

So I’m behind in my BIP. Week 2 was all about brainstorming.

I enjoyed reading the articles and have been thinking a lot but haven’t put any of the brainstorming ideas into practice yet. So I guess I’m still working on Week 2.

I like the Mind Mapping idea although I don’t know if it will work for this blog. Most of my posts lately have been product or service reviews or info about products or services. But I’ll try.Week 3 is Blog Post Bingo and is a fun idea.

By midnight Feb. 14 we have to do as many of the following types of posts as possible:

A Link Post – share a series of links your readers might find interesting
A Short Post – less than 200 words
A List Post – simple as it sounds, a list of some sort
An Opinion Post – take an event, news, or another blog post and share your opinion on it
A Poll or Question Post – post a poll or ask your readers a specific question for feedback
A How-To Post – You’re an expert in something; big or small, share how to do it
A Long Post – more than 700 words
A Review Post – self-explanatory, I think
A Definition Post – show your expertise about a topic related to your blog
FREE SPACE – a type of post of your choice (that is not the same as one of the previous posts)

Doesn’t that sound cool?? So I’ll be working on that as much as possible.

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