2009 Improvement Project: Week One Goal Setting

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So for our first week of the 2009 Blog Improvement Project we are to reflect on the past year with our blog and make goals.

I’ve had this blog for a few years but have been struggling with what to do with it. I started out writing posts on things I read or heard about, my opinions on things as well as fun quizzes and memes but I quickly ran out of things to say. So for a while it lay dormant.

Now I’m trying to take on a different path, making this still a blog of opinions and news I want to share but also doing product/service reviews and bringing you product and service news.

My goals for 2009 for this blog:

  • Visit and comment on other blogs similar to mine.
  • Come up with a blog design I like and stick with it.
  • Try to post more regularily, 2-3 times a week at least.

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