President’s Choice Products for a Holiday Party

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Lingonberry Sauce, which is made from real Lingonberries, can be used on pancakes, crepes, waffles, yogurt and ice cream. Basically anything you would top with berries!

I took it to our Hanukkah dinner and we had it with our Latkes which are potato pancakes. It was pretty good! The Lingonberry sauce isn’t too sweet like some berries can be and it had nice chunks of berries. It’s like a gourmet jam.

Biscuits for Cheese is a box of 8 different varieties of crackers and biscuits. Some are round, some are square, some are big and some are little. It’s truly a variety. Two of the varieties are biscuits (cookies) and the rest were crackers. There were some I liked and some not so much but I guess with a variety, you can suit different tastes of your company.

Do be careful though with the box, if it flips over and turns around you’ll find your crackers broken and all mixed up.

I’m not a wine drinker. I haven’t found any wine’s I like. So I wasn’t sure what to expect when I tried PC Célébration Sparkling De-alcoholized Wine – Blanc. It actually was pretty good. I don’t know if it’s the alcohol that gives it the taste I don’t like or what. Even though it says De-alcholized, there is still 0.3% alcohol, which I found a little confusing. It needs to be refrigerated though, it didn’t taste as good warm.

PC Fruit Cake with Malt Whiskey is GOOD. I hate fruit cake normally. Can’t stand the stuff so was reluctant to try this. I’m glad I did though! Unlike traditional fruitcake, the only fruit in this one is raisins and cherries and it has almonds in it too. I don’t like cherries but it was easy to not eat them as they are whole. The Malt Whiskey gives it a nice rich flavour that makes you want more. I now have a fruit cake that I can truly recommend.

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