Neopets (and 100th post)

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It’s my 100th post, woohoo! *happy dance*

Now, who here plays at Raise your hand. *raises hand*

I’d like to hear from you. What do you like about it? Not like? Have you not heard of it or heard of it but not interested? Do you play on other similar sites? Do you go to websites about neopets (help/cheat sites)? Which ones?

I like neopets. I first joined May 2000, 7 years ago but I have been playing on and off since. I’ve been gone for a whole year, or only played a few times in one year, other year’s I played almost the whole year. I sort of drift in and out of interest. The main problem is I have so many computer activities that I like and want to do, and not enough time for them all.

I like how there are so many things you can do and you can choose which is more interesting to you. For example you can collect stamps, coins or cards or you can build a gallery or make money through a shop, build a nice neohome, collect the most avatars or become the richest neopian.

I don’t like that you can only have 4 pets and that you pretty much have to have a fast computer to do some things since there are SO many people playing neopets at one time.

I use these cheat/help sites:

NeoNonsense (for newbies)
PinkPoogleToy (the BEST)
Nothing But Neopets
NeoItems (really cool)
Soup Faerie
AvatarLog (for avatar collectors)
Neopets Cheats

Oh and since I don’t have that many blog readers, if anyone wishes to direct their readers to my question, I’d appreciate it as I’m truly interested in if bloggers also play neopets.

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