WFMW: Getting Things Done With a Toddler

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WFMW: Works For Me Wednesday. See other participants here.

I have an 18 month old and a 2 month old so getting chores and other things done around the house can be tricky. I get as much done as I can when my oldest is sleeping but then the baby is usually cranky. So if the oldest one is up and I have things to do, I incorporate her.

When I bring the dirty laundry from upstairs to the basement, first I throw all the laundry down the stairs. Then I have her help me grab all the laundry and put into a basket. Then I take the basket downstairs. Perhaps next time I’ll take her down with me and she can put the clothes from the washer into the dryer. She has already done this at my mom’s house.

When I’m cleaning the windows and mirrors, I give her a paper towel and she “cleans” too. She doesn’t know that without spray she’s not really cleaning anything, she loves to do it!

She also puts things in the garbage for me. She carts all her sister’s diapers to the garbage can and any wrappers or whatever too.

If she spills her drink on the floor, she automatically gets the towel and wipes it up because I’ve showed her how. One less thing for me to do.

There are lots of things a toddler can do, use your imagination. It certainly makes getting things done a lot easier.

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