Tina’s Tuesdays

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A meme

Do you have any plans for the summer?
I have a wedding to go to at the end of this month and I might be helping out at a Girl Guide camp at the end of July. I’d like to go up to Kitchener to visit my brother but money is tight so I don’t know.

Do you prefer to relax on a beach and swim, or go camping in the outdoors?
Both! I like to go camping where there is a beach and swim. Then when it’s too dark, cool or buggy to swim I like to curl up near the fire and read.

If you could name three things you wanted to accomplish this summer, what would they be?
1. Declutter Bedroom
2. Keep this blog going
3. Get basement in order.

I have a LOT of cleaning, decluttering and organizing to do this summer!

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