Monday Madness Meme

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1. How many times a month/year do you see the sunrise?
Once a year if I’m lucky, I’m not an early riser.

2. How many times a week/month do you see the sunset?
Well it sets everyday but I don’t actually sit and see it very often. Maybe once a month if you average it out but mostly in the summer.

3. Do you go out at night and “gaze” at the stars?
Not really. It’s hard to see stars in the city. When I’m camping I look at them but not for long periods of time.

4. Do you ever look for star clusters, such as the big dipper, etc?
I know how to find them if I’m looking.

5. Do you look for planets at night (with or without a telescope)?
I don’t know how to recognize the planets but someone pointed out Mars to me once.

6. Are you able to see the northern lights where you live? If so, about how often do they come around?
Yes but I don’t see them often.

7. Do you like going outside during a thunderstorm and watching the lightening?
Yes I like it. I’m only scared if the sky is bright green, then I stay inside. Even my 18 month old isn’t afraid.

8. Do you have any really neat weather pictures? PLEASE, feel free to share them!
Yes I do! I love taking pictures of weather. I don’t know if they are on my computer though. I’ll look.

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