Isaac and the Boulder

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Looking for a cute book for ages 3-6 about perseverance? Isaac and the Boulder by Jo-Ann Scranton and Mai Train is a cute little picture book.

Disclosure: I received a copy of this book in exchange for a review. This post contains affiliate links.

Isaac and the Boulder by Jo-Ann Scranton and Mai Train

It is about a little boy named Isaac is trying to help a boulder get back to where he thinks it came from. He doesn’t give up and soon finds it helps to keep trying. There’s a cute little ending too that you’re not expecting.

There are only a few sentences on each page and it’s in a big simple font which makes it easily readable for those at a grade 1 reading level I’d say. That is except for one sentence: Metamorphic Rock Formatino. But the story can be enjoyed from ages 3-6.

This book is by Tielmour Press and part of the sales of their books benefits charities. I love that idea.

The illustrations are of a muted water colour type background with little Isaac in front. It’s a nice bedtime story.

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