May 16 is International Celiac Disease Awareness Day and if you want to learn about it in your homeschool I’m here to share some resources for you.

Celiac Canada has a Kids Teach Kids program where kids can teach other kids in classrooms about living with Celiac Disease.
What the Kids Teach Kids Program Is

On May 16th, International Celiac Disease Awareness Day, 125 classrooms across the country take part in the Kids Teach Kids event. A child with celiac disease (CD) in each class has signed up to show and tell his/her peers the story of how this serious auto-immune disease affects them every day. It’s also green T-shirt day, encouraging kids to dress up in celiac green to show support.
By describing symptoms and explaining why they can’t eat pizza and bread just like everyone else, this educational initiative has two goals. Firstly, to nurture compassion and understanding to make it easier for children to self-manage their illness and still be included. Secondly to build awareness so kids who don’t know they have the disease, may recognize symptoms and get diagnosed.
Learn about Celiac Disease In Your Homeschool
But you can do the same in your homeschool too, even if none of you have Celiac Disease.
The Kids Teach Kids website has a What is Celiac pamphlet you can download. The main Celiac Canada website also had a kids section which has activity booklets and more.
If you want to know more about gluten free living and homeschooling I suggest my friend Michelle G on YouTube. She’s a mom of 3 who lives gluten free and does videos on homeschooling and gluten free living.
Celiac Awareness Ideas
- Try a gluten free recipe from Celiac Canada
- Taste a gluten free version of your favourite foods
- Listen to a read aloud book about being gluten free such as this one.
Happy Celiac Awareness Day!
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