It’s time for Spring Cleaning your nursery or baby’s room, but where do you start? Here are 5 easy steps to follow for a cleaner nursery.
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5 Steps For Spring Cleaning Your Nursery

Step One: Shampoo/Soaps/Lotions/Creams

Go through the enormous pile of creams, lotions and soaps you have no doubt accumulated. If there are some that are mostly empty or could be combined into one, do so and toss the empties. Is there something you don’t use anymore? (maybe you switched to a different brand and won’t use the first one anymore – why do you still have it?)
Are any expired? Do any need to be cleaned off from a leak or explosion? Check the area you keep them in for spills too. Do you have more than you need? (Hint: donate to a shelter or give to a friend.)
Step Two: Clothes

Sort and Purge
Wash all the dirty clothes and then go through it all, taking out pieces that no longer fit your child or you never liked anyways so you don’t use. Take out anything that’s in the wrong season as well. Don’t forget to go through shoes and coats too. If you are saving the outgrown clothes for another child, pack it away and label your container based on size and gender. Otherwise pack it up and give it away.
Now that everything left fits, do you have the right amount of each type? Even if they all fit, your 6 month old doesn’t need 50 onesies for example. If you have too many of one type, pare them down and give away some of the extras. Too many clothes will be hard to keep clean and put away. If there is a certain type you need more of, make a note somewhere so you can shop or ask around to get what you need.
Finally reorganize the dressers, putting like things together and clothing you use more often at the proper level (you don’t want to bend down to the bottom drawer for something you get many times a day. Your drawers shouldn’t be stuffed right to the top and every edge. If it’s too full, it will get too messy. You might still have too many clothes or you need more storage. Finally if you can, add a basket or box on or near the dresser and as your child outgrows an outfit, put it directly into that box.
Step Three: Toys

Gather ALL the toys together in one spot and go through them. Take out toys that are too young for your child and toys that he never plays with anymore. Take out toys that are broken or very worn. Throw out ones that are of no use to anyone anymore and giveaway those that are still usable but just not by your child.
Depending on how much your child has accumulated and how much storage your house has, you might want to either give away more toys so you don’t have an overabundance and/or split the toys in two groups and put away one group for now. Switch out the groups every few months to keep the toys “fresh.”
Step Four: Soothers/Bottles/Sippy Cups

Everyone will be different in how many of these types of things their child is using or did use. Some breastfed babies never use a soother or bottle and may go right from breast to regular cup. If that’s the case, you won’t have many of these to go through. On the other hand many children use all three (some of mine included.) If you do use them, you know how much they can accumulate. Most of these get lost in the house too so while you are doing everything else above (and maybe a few days before as well) whenever you find one of these, put them in one central location. Gather them all up so you can do an inventory.
Throw Out:
- Soothers and bottle nipples that are cracked, broken or oddly discoloured (these could be dangerous!)
- Soothers that are too small for your child (they come in age ranges and a 12 month old should not be sucking on a soother for a 0-6 month old.)
- Anything you can’t get completely clean of gunk (some sippy cups and bottles are impossible to clean thoroughly if they were sitting lost behind your couch for 4 months with milk in it…ew.)
- Anything that isn’t being used anymore and isn’t saveable for another child (only sippy cups in good condition and bottles (but not nipples) should be saved.
If your child is 6 months or younger, you should for sure disinfect everything again (rapid boil for 5 minutes in a large pot.) If your child is older, it’s up to you if you want to do it. It couldn’t hurt though!
Step Five: Room Layout/Surfaces

The last step for spring cleaning your nursery is deep cleaning.
Now that you’ve pared down the clutter, it’s time to see if you like the room the way it is or if you need to rearrange it. Stand at the change table, can you easily reach everything you need while changing your child? Diapers, wipes, creams, clean clothes? Is there something you wish was closer or something that feels in your way? What about the rest of the room? Fix the room up as you wish, tidy up anything else that’s left (like stuff that doesn’t belong in the nursery but got there somehow.) Do you need bins and boxes?
Finally wipe down all surfaces with soapy water (not harsh chemicals) and sweep/mop/vacuum depending on floor covering. Don’t forget nooks and crannies such as under the crib, behind the dresser, doorknobs, light switches and crown molding.
Now your baby has a nice clean room!
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